- 妊娠・授乳期の累積調査
- cu・mu・la・tive | kjúːmjələtɪv, -lèɪtɪv | 形容詞1 〈効果・損失・影響などが〉次第に増加する, 累積的な ▸ the cumulative effect 累積効果 ▸ a cumulative total累計. 2 〘証券〙 累積的な.
- lac・ta・tion | læktéɪʃ(ə)n | 名詞U⦅かたく⦆ 乳の分泌(期).
As part of the Biological Licensing Application (BLA) submission, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has requested a cumulative review and summary of relevant cases reported in Pfizer’s pharmacovigilance (Safety) database from the time of drug product development to 28-FEB-2021.
Pfizer’s safety database contains cases of adverse events (AEs) reported spontaneously to Pfizer, cases reported by the health authorities (HAs), cases published in the medical literature, cases from Pfizer-sponsored marketing programs, non-interventional studies, and cases of serious adverse events (SAEs) reported from clinical studies regardless of causality. The safety database was searched for all BNT162b2 vaccine cases reporting any exposure to vaccine during pregnancy (mother and/or baby) or exposure to baby via lactation from all time through 28 February 2021. A search of the Pfizer safety database identified 673 case reports.
The limitations of post-marketing adverse drug event reporting should be considered when interpreting these data:
Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown. Some of the factors that may influence whether an event is reported include: length of time since marketing, market share of the drug, publicity about a drug or an adverse event, seriousness of the reaction, regulatory actions, awareness by health professionals and consumers of adverse drug event reporting, and litigation.
Because many external factors influence whether or not an adverse event is reported, the spontaneous reporting system yields reporting proportions not incidence rates. As a result, it is generally not appropriate to make between-drug comparisons using these proportions; the spontaneous reporting system should be used for signal detection rather than hypothesis testing.
In some reports, clinical information (such as medical history, validation of diagnosis, time from drug use to onset of illness, dose, and use of concomitant drugs) is missing or incomplete, and follow-up information may not be available.
An accumulation of adverse event reports does not necessarily indicate that a particular adverse event was caused by the drug; rather, the event may be due to an underlying disease or some other factor(s) such as past medical history or concomitant medication.
Of the 673 case reports identified in the search, 458 involved BNT162b2 exposure during pregnancy (mother/fetus) and 215 involved exposure during breast-feeding.
In 210 out of the 458 cases, maternal exposure 458例中210例で母体曝露
Exposure during pregnancy) was reported either with no associated AEs or with AE off-label use/product use issue for either the mother or the baby.
Among the remaining 248 cases, the most commonly reported AEs were product use issue (83), off-label use (81), pain (including but not limited to vaccination site pain/pain/pain in extremity)(101), headache (57), abortion spontaneous (51), fatigue (43), pyrexia (26), chills (24), myalgia (23), nausea (22), arthralgia (16), dizziness (15), malaise (12), lymphadenopathy (11) and asthenia (11).
残りの248例において、最も多く報告されたAEは、製品使用上の問題(83)、適応外使用(81)、疼痛(ワクチン接種部位の疼痛/四肢の疼痛/疼痛を含むがこれに限定されない)(101)であった、 頭痛(57)、流産自発(51)、疲労(43)、発熱(26)、悪寒(24)、筋肉痛(23)、吐き気(22)、関節痛(16)、めまい(15)、倦怠感(12)、リンパ腺症(11)、無力症(11)。
There were 6 cases reporting AE(s) related to premature deliveries.
AER 2021166927 Baby report of fetal tachycardia noted 1 week after the neonate’s mother received the second dose of the vaccine. The baby was delivered at 35 weeks and 3 days of gestation due to non-reassuring status during monitoring post vaccination. The baby was hospitalized for 5 days. The clinical outcome of fetal tachycardia was unknown.
AER 2021166927 新生児の母親が2回目のワクチン接種を受けた1週間後に、胎児の頻脈が認められたという赤ちゃんの報告です。ワクチン接種後のモニタリングで安心できない状態のため、妊娠35週3日で出産した。赤ちゃんは 5 日間入院した。胎児頻脈の臨床転帰は不明であった。
AER 2021015910 Maternal report of a 29-year old female who was pregnant when receiving BNT162B2. She had spontaneous rupture of membranes at 36 weeks of gestation, one day after her 2nd dose of vaccine. Unspecified therapeutic measures were taken as a result of premature rupture of membranes and the mother was recovering.
AER 2021015910 BNT162B2投与時に妊娠していた29歳女性の母体報告。彼女は2回目のワクチン接種の1日後、妊娠36週で自然破膜を起こした。早期の膜破裂のため不特定の治療措置がとられ、母体は回復している。
AER 2021191405 Baby case of a fetus of unspecified gender who received BNT162B2 transplacentally. The patient’s mother received vaccination during the second trimester (13-28 weeks) and experienced premature labor. A live infant was delivered but passed away a day later. Cause of death was cited as extreme prematurity with severe respiratory distress and pneumothorax.
AER 2021015910 BNT162B2投与時に妊娠していた29歳女性の母体報告。彼女は2回目のワクチン接種の1日後、妊娠36週で自然破膜を起こした。早期の膜破裂のため不特定の治療措置がとられ、母体は回復している。
AER 2021182609 Maternal report (AER 2021193635 associated Baby report) of a 32-year-old female patient received BNT162B2 during the second-trimester (13-28 weeks) and experienced preterm premature rupture of membranes, premature baby/Premature delivery. Outcome of preterm premature rupture of membranes and premature delivery was recovered with sequelae. Concomitant medications included acetylsalicylic acid and dalteparin sodium.
AER 2021182609 母体報告(AER 2021193635 associated Baby report)32歳女性患者が妊娠第2期(13-28週)にBNT162B2を投与され、早産性膜破裂、未熟児/早期出産を経験した。早産性膜破裂、早産児の転帰は、後遺症が残るものの回復した。併用薬にアセチルサリチル酸、ダルテパリンナトリウムがあった。
AER 2021155967 Baby report: A neonate patient's mother (mother was reported as 37-year-old) received BNT162B2 during 13-28 weeks of gestation and experienced foetal exposure during pregnancy, premature baby less than 26 weeks, respiratory distress and pneumothorax. Cause of death for the neonate was premature baby less than 26 weeks and severe respiratory distress and pneumothorax.
AER 2021155967 赤ちゃんの報告です: 新生児患者の母親(母親は37歳と報告)が妊娠13-28週にBNT162B2を投与され、妊娠中の胎児への曝露、26週未満の未熟児、呼吸困難、気胸を経験しました。新生児の死因は、26週未満の未熟児、重度の呼吸困難と気胸であった。
AER 2021203938 Baby report: Patient’s 33-year old mother had preterm delivery at 24 weeks and 2 days via emergency caesarean section. The fetus experienced maternal exposure during pregnancy via transplacental route on an unspecified date.
AER 2021203938 赤ちゃんの報告です: 患者の33歳の母親は、緊急帝王切開により24週2日で早産となった。胎児は、特定できない日に経胎盤ルートで妊娠中の母親の曝露を経験した。
There were 53 reports of spontaneous abortion (51)/ abortion (1)/ abortion missed (1) following BNT162b2 vaccination. Of these reports, 4 cases were COVID-19 positive (including suspected), and 13 cases had relevant medical history of endometriosis (1), abortion spontaneous (10), polycystic ovaries (1), menstruation irregular (1). These cases were therefore excluded from the review. One patient had a medical history of COVID-19 (unknown if ongoing) and was excluded from the review. The remaining 39 cases are summarized in Table 1.
BNT162b2ワクチン接種後の自然流産(51例)/中絶(1例)/流産見逃し(1例)の報告は53例であった。これらの報告のうち、COVID-19陽性(疑いを含む)は4例、子宮内膜症(1)、自然流産(10)、多嚢胞性卵巣(1)、月経不順(1)の関連病歴は13例でした。したがって、これらの症例はレビューから除外された。1例はCOVID-19の病歴があり(継続中か不明)、レビューから除外された。残りの 39 例は表 1 にまとめている。
- Table 1.
Summary of Patients with Outcome of Pregnancy – Abortion spontaneous
年齢 病歴 妊娠の結果 の順に書いてある
● 40 years Not provided (病歴不詳)
The patient was unaware of her pregnancy at the time of vaccination. Suspected abortion occurred at 6 weeks of pregnancy.
● 37 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine during first trimester (1-12 weeks) on 19 Jan 2021 and suffered spontaneous abortion on 3 Feb 2021.
spon・ta・ne・ous | spɑ(ː)ntéɪniəs|spɔn- | 形容詞more ~; most ~ 1 〈行動などが〉自然に起こる, 自発的な, 自然の, 無意識的な; 〘動〙 本能的な ▸ Spontaneous applause broke out. 思わず拍手が湧き起こった. 2 〈現象などが〉自然発生の, 自然の ▸ (the) spontaneous generation of life 生命の自然発生 ▸ spontaneous combustion 自然発火. 3 〈植物などが〉自生の. 4 〈文体などが〉のびのびした. spontaneous abortion 自然流産 tri・mes・ter | traɪméstər | 名詞C1 〘医〙 (特に3期に分けた妊娠期間の)1期〘3か月〙. 2 ⦅米⦆ (3学期制の)1学期.
● 33 years Not provided
Patient received first dose of vaccine during first trimester (1-12 weeks). Abortion occurred at 3 weeks of pregnancy.
● 32 years Not provided
Patient was vaccinated during first trimester (1-12 weeks) on 23 Dec 2020 and suffered a spontaneous abortion on 06 Jan 2021.
● 39 years Asthma / Eosinophilic oesophagitis 気管支喘息/好酸球性食道炎
Patient received vaccination at gestation of 6 weeks and spontaneous abortion occurred 11 days post vaccination.
患者は妊娠6週目にワクチン接種を受け、ワクチン接種後11日目に自然流産が発生した。● 31 years Not provided
Patient experienced spontaneous abortion 8 days after receiving 2nd vaccine at 6 weeks pregnant.
● 35 years Asthma / Gastrooesophageal reflux disease Pregnancy 喘息/胃食道逆流症 妊娠中
Patient experienced missed abortion in the 7th week of pregnancy on an unspecified date with outcome of unknown.
● 33 years Pregnancy
The patient was unaware of her pregnancy at the time of vaccination, which occurred at gestational age of approximately 3 weeks. Spontaneous abortion occurred at gestational age of 6 weeks.
ges・ta・tion | dʒestéɪʃ(ə)n | 名詞1 U妊娠, 懐胎. 2 U⦅かたく⦆ (考え・計画などを)練ること, 構想. 3 C〖通例単数形で〗妊娠[懐胎]期間; 構想期間.
● 34 years Pregnancy
Patient was 3 weeks pregnant at the time of the first vaccination, without knowing she was pregnant. She found out she was pregnant one week after the vaccination. She then had a spontaneous abortion in week 6 of pregnancy.
● Unknown Not provided
Patient received vaccine at an unspecified time during pregnancy Spontaneous abortion, gestational age unknown.
患者が妊娠中の不特定多数の時期にワクチンを接種した 自然流産、妊娠年齢不明。
● 34 years Continuous positive airway pressure / Overweight / Sleep apnoea syndrome 持続陽圧呼吸器症候群/過体重/睡眠時無呼吸症候群
Patient reported that she was unknowingly pregnant upon receiving COVID-19 vaccine dose 1. Spontaneous abortion occurred at 4 weeks of pregnancy.
● Unknown Not provided
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred at 5 weeks of gestation.
● 37 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred at 5 weeks of gestation.
● 31 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred at 5 weeks of gestation.
● 32 years Not provided
Patient received her first vaccine dose at 3 weeks of pregnancy and experienced spontaneous abortion about 5-6 days before her second dose.
●23 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred at 1 month of pregnancy.患者は、妊娠第1期にワクチンを接種した。妊娠1ヶ月に自然流産が発生した。
●29 years Pregnancy
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred at 4-5 weeks of gestation.患者は、妊娠第1期にワクチンを接種した。妊娠4-5週目に自然流産が発生した。
●34 years Not provided
The patient experienced spontaneous abortion at a routine OBGYN visit, gestational age unknown.患者は、定期的な産婦人科受診時に自然流産を経験し、妊娠年齢は不明であった。
●38 years Not provided
Patient had spontaneous abortion at 12 weeks after receiving the second dose of vaccine.患者は、2回目のワクチン投与後12週目に自然流産した。
●29 years Anxiety/Seasonal allergy 不安・季節性アレルギー
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred at 6 weeks of gestation.患者は、妊娠第1期にワクチンを接種した。妊娠6週目に自然流産が発生した。
●41 years Pregnancy
Patient was vaccinated during first trimester (6 weeks, also reported 1-12 weeks). Spontaneous abortion was diagnosed on 09 Jan 2021 (17 days after vaccination administration).患者は妊娠第1期(6週、1~12週の報告もあり)にワクチン接種を受けた。2021年01月09日(ワクチン投与から17日後)に自然流産と診断された。
●32 years Pregnancy
The patient had spontaneous abortion at 5.5 weeks, which was conceived 3 days after receiving the vaccine.5.5週で自然流産し、ワクチン投与3日後に妊娠した。
●36 years Allergy to animal / Food allergy / Seasonal allergy 動物アレルギー/食物アレルギー/季節性アレルギー
The patient was unaware of her pregnancy at the time of vaccination. Spontaneous abortion occurred during 5th week of pregnancy.
●30 years Clinical trial participant
Patient was vaccinated during first trimester (1-12 weeks). Spontaneous abortion occurred 1 week after first dose.患者はワクチン接種時に妊娠に気付いていなかった。妊娠5週目に自然流産が発生した。
●26 years Not provided
Patient was vaccinated during first trimester (1-12 weeks). Spontaneous abortion occurred 1 day after vaccination.患者は妊娠第1期(1~12週)にワクチン接種を受けた。 ワクチン接種の1日後に自然流産が発生した。
●28 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine at an unspecified time during pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion, gestational age unknown.患者は妊娠中のある時期にワクチンを受けた。自然流産、妊娠期間不明。
●Unknown Not provided
Patient received vaccine at an unspecified time during pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion, gestational age unknown.患者は妊娠中のある時期にワクチンを受けた。自然流産、妊娠期間不明。
●25 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine at an unspecified time during pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion, gestational age unknown.患者は妊娠中のある時期にワクチンを受けた。自然流産、妊娠期間不明。
●Unknown Not provided
Patient received vaccine at an unspecified time during pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion, gestational age unknown.患者は妊娠中のある時期にワクチンを受けた。自然流産、妊娠期間不明。
●34 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine at 4 weeks 5 days of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred during Week 8 of gestation.患者は、妊娠4週5日にワクチンを接種した。妊娠8週目に自然流産が発生しました。
●29 years Pregnancy
Patient experienced spontaneous abortion 10 days after first dose of vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy.
●21 years Not provided
Patient was vaccinated during first-trimester (1-12 weeks) and experienced spontaneous abortion after 12 days.患者は、妊娠第1期のワクチン初回投与から10日後に自然流産を経験した。
●30 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy.
Spontaneous abortion occurred at 11 weeks of pregnancy.患者は、妊娠第1期にワクチンを接種した。
●36 years Coronavirus test negative/Deep vein thrombosis コロナウイルス検査陰性/深部静脈血栓症
Patient received vaccine at an unspecified time during pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred at 4 weeks of pregnancy.患者は、妊娠中の不特定多数の時期にワクチンを接種した。妊娠4週目に自然流産が発生した。
●39 years Drug hypersensitivity
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred during Week 8 of gestation患者は、妊娠第1期にワクチンを接種した。妊娠8週目に自然流産が発生した。
●26 years Not provided
Patient received vaccine during first trimester of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred after 5 weeks of pregnancy.患者は、妊娠第1期にワクチンを接種した。妊娠5週目以降に自然流産が発生した。
●Unknown Not provided
Spontaneous abortion occurred after 5 weeks of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurred 3 days post first dose of BNT162b2.妊娠5週以降に自然流産が発生しました。BNT162b2の初回投与から3日後に自然流産が発生しました。
●Unknown Not provided
Miscarriage after receiving both doses of COVID-19 vaccinemìs・cárriage名詞UC1 流産 ▸ have [suffer] a miscarriage流産をする. 2 (郵便・荷物などの)不着, 誤配.COVID-19ワクチン2回受けて2回とも接種後に流産してしまった。-
The remaining 215 cases reported exposure via lactation. In 174 of the 215 reports, there was no AE reported other than ‘Exposure via breast milk/maternal exposure during breast feeding’. In the remaining 41 cases, AEs were reported in the infants following BNT162b2 exposure via lactation (see Table 2).
残りの 215 例では、授乳を介した曝露が報告された。215 件中 174 件では、「母乳経由の曝露/授乳中の母親の曝露」以外の AE は報告されていない。残りの41例では、授乳を介したBNT162b2曝露後の乳児にAEが報告された(表2参照)。
Number of Adverse Events Reported in Infants with ‘Exposure via Lactation’
マイナ・カードが保険証に これから起こること
ブログ 総もくじ 伏見啓明整形外科公式サイト Coロナ関連記事目次 今、電子カルテがあぶない 個人情報談義 目次 法によって強制的に整(斉)えればそれでことが足りるのか。 大間違いだろう。 何か停電、災害でネットが使えなくなったとする。 ...

ブログ 総もくじ 伏見啓明整形外科公式サイト Coロナ関連記事目次 今、電子カルテがあぶない 個人情報談義 目次 コロナ治療薬ラブゲリオ 欧州で販売停止 日本では販売促進。具体的には患者さんの同意書が要らなくなった。 日本にはもうこのようなものを...
ブログ 総もくじ 伏見啓明整形外科公式サイト Coロナ関連記事目次 今、電子カルテがあぶない 個人情報談義 目次 法によって強制的に整(斉)えればそれでことが足りるのか。 大間違いだろう。 何か停電、災害でネットが使えなくなったとする。 ...
ブログ 総もくじ 伏見啓明整形外科公式サイト 今、電子カルテが危ない 目次 こんばんは 驚いたな。悪夢だな。 これだけはやって欲しくなかったな。 ラインは日本を乗っ取った。 ラインは岸田がラインでつぶやいたこと、配下の大臣と喋ったことをみんな知っている。これ...